
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bench Warmer

It's a beautiful San Diego night and I'm enjoying sitting outside on my new and improved little bench. I got this cottage style little bench and table made out of wood,at a yard sale about 6 years ago for $15.00. It had seen better days but I fell in love with it and didn't think twice about getting it. Took it home and placed it outside on the patio.

The paint had chipped off, the legs had become loose and the little table and bench were looking pretty shabby and not so safe anymore. I couldn't bring myself to getting rid of them and yet each time I went outside to sit on the bench I was nervous it would collapse on me. But, I still would take my coffee outback and sit either early in the morning or relax with a glass of wine in the evenings. I just loved this bench.

As the days began to get longer and warmer this past month, I got inspired to work on our backyard patio. I had to clean out the "stuff" that had accumulated over the years, sweep out the cobwebs, hose off the dust and give some much needed TLC. Once that was done I was ready to have fun making the patio a tranquil place. So, I decided I wanted to have a garden, a vegetable garden. Done! Then I wanted to try and grow a Plumeria Tree from an off shoot. Done! (well at least it's in the stage of growing) I wanted some ambiance...white lights. Done! Needed some more ambiance...water fountain. Done! One last thing needed to be done. I had to keep my bench and table. So, I took on the task of refurbishing my bench and table. I sanded them down, I had Brian secure the legs and joints and make sure they were sturdier. I got myself some white paint and began the labor of love. I took my time and enjoyed every minute of applying a couple of coats of paint to my bench and table. They transformed before my very eyes. I was so excited to see how beautiful they looked. My bench and table made me smile. I couldn't wait to use them. I couldn't wait to show my family and friends the transformation. I was beside myself with excitement.

I love coming into this little area I have created outside. It's my "sanctuary" so to speak. I love sitting on my bench in the mornings with my Bible and coffee, and I love sitting on my bench in the evenings with my feet up on the table. I love to share my bench with others and if you ever come to visit I will be more than happy to offer you a seat next to me on my bench. Together we can be "bench warmers." Done!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Emma my walking companion

We got her when she was just 10 months old and we were living in Anchorage, Ak. From the moment we saw her, we fell in love with her. 13 years later, she is such a part of our family and a part of my daily walks. She is such a sweet gal and has been the best companion for the Bearchell Family. Today I got the news that she has oral melonoma and it is malignant. I don't know to what extent but deep down I am preparing for the worst. We will make an appointment with the vet for next week to see what our options are concerning her well being.

I sit at work and try to concentrate on what needs to be done, but my mind keeps wondering back to Emma and knowing she is at home laying in the living room waiting for us all to arrive home. I know as soon as I get into the house the tears will begin to flow once again and I will want to give her such a big hug, she will probably wonder what's going on. I also know that we are going on walks everyday that she has left. I don't care if it's just up the block and back!!!! She loves walks and together we will enjoy hitting the pavement and being in each others company. I may even just let her stay off the leash which is what she loves the most.

A loyal and dependable walking buddy she has been. She never complains about the pace or the distance. She allows me time to think and pray and all the while she just keeps walking beside me.

Emma I love you my dear walking companion.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Almost ready!

It's kind of late for me (10:41 pm) and I would love to write something very profound, entertaining or wise. But, I'm too tired, so my first "official" entry will have to wait for another time. Please be patient with me. I promise you it's on my "to do" list.